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Pork is a Healthy Choice

Rich in B-vitamins, zinc and protein, pork is a healthy choice in a balanced diet and a favourite with seniors. Lean cuts of pork, such as tenderloin, leg inside round and loin chops, offer less than five grams of fat and about 175 calories per 100 gram serving. Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide recommends…

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Spring Greening: Clean up your environmental impact

The foodservice industry is about twice as energy intensive as other commercial operations, and rising costs are motivating many foodservice operators to “go green.” While most establishments already have recycling programs in place, there is more that can be done! Here are some ways to green your workplace and save money on water and energy…

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Menu Planning For Older Adults

If you are catering to our aging population in a hospital or long-term care setting, it’s important to be aware of their specific nutritional needs. Offering age-appropriate portion sizes and nutrient-rich options can help older adults make better food choices and stay healthy for longer. Here are some things to consider when planning meals for…

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Grow Your Menu with Flavourful Ethnic Choices

According to NPD Group, the fastest growing menu items in Canadian restaurants are ethnic-inspired foods.From Vietnamese pho to Japanese sushi, ethnic foods are enticing Canadians into making more adventurous food choices. Are you thinking of introducing ethnic fare to your foodservice establishment but aren’t sure where to start? Here are some popular trends and inspiring…