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Pork is a Healthy Choice

Rich in B-vitamins, zinc and protein, pork is a healthy choice in a balanced diet and a favourite with seniors. Lean cuts of pork, such as tenderloin, leg inside round and loin chops, offer less than five grams of fat and about 175 calories per 100 gram serving. Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide recommends…

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Let’s Talk Turkey

Turkey is a popular holiday entrée, but this nutrient-dense option should be part of the menu all year round. Succulent, fresh-from-the-oven turkey is the perfect lean protein, and is full of essential vitamins and minerals. Plus, it’s an affordable and versatile choice. Turkey has “superfood” status It may come as no surprise that spinach, blueberries…

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How to Build a Healthy Sandwich

Sandwiches can range from healthy delights to dietary disasters depending on the fillings, toppings and breads that are chosen. Here’s a guide to help you offer your customers some more nutritious options: Meat: The most popular sandwiches in Canada include protein-based fillings such as chicken, turkey, ham and meatballs, so ensure that you offer a…

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A new spin on the old sandwich

Behold the catered sandwich tray. If you’ve ever been to an average weekday lunch ‘n’ learn or board meeting, you know that tray quite well. It houses some soft bread, a few pieces of meat or cheese, and if you’re lucky, some mayonnaise and a carrot stick. In their respective roles as Nutrition Manager and…

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Provide some comfort

Whether it is mashed potatoes, turkey pot pie or a slab of gooey chocolate cake, you can probably identify the comfort foods that help you feel better. And while you may not think about the science behind why these foods help improve your mood, many researchers are making these connections and testing exactly why comfort…